Daily Thoughts

AUGUST 25, 3:58 pm

Lately, I've been thinking about dreams. Specifically, how does one make their dreams come true? I think a lot of people believe that dreams, for most people, are destined to remain a fantasy. They believe that only a select few lucky people get to actually follow the path that they desire... the dream that lives deep in their core.  However, I believe that anyone's dream can become a reality. All it takes is some hard work, courage, and a little bit of magic. This magic comes from the combination of two things. 1.) That little flame inside each and every one of us. That flame that burns for our passion, lighting up our eyes and our souls. And 2.) Faith. Faith that we alone are capable of making our dreams come alive. Faith that all we need to do is let go of fear, and FLY.

My dream is to write. This has been my dream for as long as I can remember... ever since I first picked up a pencil and wrote my first sentence. I lived to create stories. This dream has not changed or faded. Still, at 24 years old, I fantasize about becoming a writer. But since I was always told that being a writer wasn't really a realistic career, I've struggled for years trying to decide what career path to follow, what degree to pursue, what jobs to search for. No matter what I chose (and I chose many different paths), it was always wrong. I was never satisfied. I've realized that I was always unhappy with my choice because deep down, I KNOW that my purpose is to write. I know it. My purpose is to express myself in ways that are enjoyable to other people. My purpose is to create and inspire.

So, what is holding me back, you ask? Fear. Plain and simple. The fear that I will fail countless times before finally succeeding. Fear that people will judge me for not using my degree. Fear that the people closest to me won't believe that I'll actually make it. Fear that I will be seen as the foolish girl chasing nothing but a pipe dream. Fear that money will be a constant factor working against my success. And of course, the ever present fear that I will not be good enough.

But I am tired of being afraid. It's time to let go of fear and chase my dreams. Are you with me? It's time to fly. <3 xoxo

JULY 14, 3:22 pm

Hi guys! So sorry it's been so long! I promise I have not forgotten about you. I have just been crazy busy. The past few weekends have been packed, and with only four left weeks of grad school, I've been overloaded with school work, internship stuff, job searching and interviewing. Hopefully things will be slowing down soon enough. In the meantime, keep loving yourself. What have you done today to take care of YOU?! xoxo

JUNE 9, 11:18 am

Move your body in ways that make you happy. Here's a little sped up clip of my yoga practice this morning. Moving. Flowing. Happiness.

JUNE 8, 9:23 pm

Tonight I got to thinking about creativity. Isn't it amazing how you can spend so much of your life giving yourself, your heart and soul, to your creative endeavors, yet instead of feeling drained of that time and energy, you only feel enlightened and fulfilled? When I create something, whether it be artwork, a piece of writing, or a beautiful meal, I feel alive. Something in me ignites. I feel inspired. I feel satisfied. I feel like myself. A lot of the time, the stressors of this world can bring me down and make me feel like a stranger even to myself. But when I let go of all that stuff and allow myself to be free to create something, straight from my soul, I feel so close to ME. I can't stress how important it is to get to know yourself as well as possible. Spend time with yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Learn all there is to know about what makes you who you are. Find out what you love and do more of it. This world is way too beautiful not to love yourself and let yourself be inspired. Let the world move you. Let the beauty of the world change you into who you were always meant to be.

JUNE 2, 8:06 pm

My belly is so full of butterflies. Not only is tomorrow my first day of my internship, but I also have a phone interview for a job that might just be perfect for me. So many feelings. Nervous, excited, really nervous, really excited. So, wish me luck! I hope it goes well. I've really been stressing about what to do after graduation (I graduate in August). Not knowing quite what I want to do, and having next to no professional experience in my field, really makes the job search difficult and stressful. Not to mention I might be living in a different state in a few months depending on my boyfriend's work situation. Ahhh, isn't this part of life so exciting? (cough cough stressful) But I'm trying to stay positive and see the beauty in not knowing where I will be or what I will be doing in a few months. I am trying to see it as an adventure. This roller coaster we call life. Everything has a purpose. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to. So, why worry? Just sit back, relax, and HOLD ON. Because in this life... we're all in for a crazy ride.

JUNE 2, 1:00 am

Tonight my creative juices are flowing. These are the nights I live for. My purpose on this earth is to create. I'm just not exactly sure yet what it is that I'm supposed to be creating. So, for now, I will just create. I will find a way to make beauty out of the simple things in life. Isn't that what it's all about? Creating beauty out of the simple things. Creating extraordinary out of the ordinary. That's my purpose. And from now on, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that purpose. Stay tuned for lots of creativity coming your way. Goodnight world. Thank you for inspiring me.

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