Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Yoga: Where It All Began

A lot of people have been asking me how I got into doing yoga and what tips I have for getting started. I thought I would talk about it a little bit on here. To be honest, the reason I decided to give yoga a try might sound a little weird. I have a huge girl crush on Jennifer Aniston. I like to watch and read interviews that she's done, and she couldn't stop raving about this yoga thing. How it changed her body and her life. How she went from being unhappy and feeling kind of lost, to loving herself and knowing exactly who she is. I was feeling these same feelings: lost, confused about who I was and who I wanted to be. I didn't love myself as much as I should have. I didn't feel happy and comfortable in my own skin, and I was stressing myself out all the time about the future. I needed a change. Desperately. Jen inspired me. I decided that I was going to devote a little bit of time to myself every single day through yoga. I wanted to get to know myself from the inside out, and maybe, just maybe, I would fall in love with "me" along the way.

I had tried a few yoga videos months before, but it never really stuck. This time, I decided to start with Jen's main inspiration: Mandy Ingber. Mandy is Jen's personal yoga instructor, and she has a DVD/book out called Yogalosophy (You can find the book and DVD here: It's a wonderful routine that combines traditional yoga poses with toning exercises to create a kind of hybrid workout. I thought it was the perfect transition into yoga. And it kicked my BUTT. I started doing the video a few times a week, and I was hooked. I wanted to start to explore what else was out there. I wanted to learn everything there was to learn about yoga.

I read a book called "Yoga and the Quest for the True Self" by Stephen Cope. It was more about the spiritual side of yoga and how it's a lifestyle, not just a workout. The book gave me a wonderful foundation for the yoga practice I was about to create for myself. Then, I became obsessed. I started following dozens of yogis on social media, and I was constantly typing "yoga" into my Pinterest search bar. I read article after article about the foundations of yoga, the benefits, the different types. I bookmarked dozens of videos. I studied the poses and practiced them over and over, memorizing the name and perfecting the shape. I bought a mat (I found a cheap one at TJ Maxx), and I rolled it out every day. I could see myself getting stronger and more flexible as the days went on.

After doing several videos from several different instructors, I found my favorites. I keep them on my computer so I can go back to them whenever I want. Here are some of my favorite full-length routines that I like to do:

Some of these are more advanced than others. Some are longer. Some are shorter. Find what you like. All yoga instructors have different styles of teaching. You just have to get out there, try out a bunch of different types and teachers and get a feel for what you like. Along with these videos, I also like to do anything by Yoga with Adriene (Adriene Mishler), Tara Stiles, Mandy Ingber, and Rachel Brathen. These are my four go-to yogis. There are others, too, of course. But these are the YouTube channels that I subscribe to. I still search YouTube for different videos according to my specific needs at that time. That's what I love about having a home practice. You are in complete control, and there are so many videos out there that you can find in a click. I originally wanted to attend a studio, but when I saw the prices, I knew it wasn't going to be possible for awhile. Now that I've gotten deeper into my home practice, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I was originally nervous about going to a studio, because I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't feel comfortable with my body, and I didn't want others judging me. As I get deeper into my understanding of yoga, that fear has completely vanished. Yoga is about loving yourself and finding ease and movement in your body. It's about syncing your body and your mind and finding your inner light. It's not about how flexible you are, how defined your muscles are, how far you can go into a pose. It's not about whether or not you can touch your toes or stand on your hands. It's about you. It's about cultivating a loving, supporting relationship with yourself. It's about loving yourself for exactly who you are at this exact moment. It's about spending time with yourself, doing what's best for your body. It's about using your breath and your body to quiet your mind, to ignore all the stress and nagging thoughts and to-do lists. It's about love and light and adventure. Yoga is so much more than a workout. It's a bonding experience with yourself.

You may think that all of that sounds a little out there. But I promise, once you get into a regular yoga practice of your own, all of these things will start to make sense. Don't be afraid to start. Don't ever think you aren't flexible enough. That's what yoga is for: it helps you BECOME flexible. Flexibility isn't a prerequisite. Also, yoga is for everyone. Boys, girls, old, young, overweight, thin, in shape, out of shape. Everybody. Give it a try.

Also, don't leave out the restorative yoga practices. There are tons of videos for these as well. Yoga for bedtime, yoga for when you are sick, yoga for your time of the month, yoga to relieve stress, yoga for depression, yin yoga. These are just as beneficial for your body as the fast moving, sweaty, flowing routines. Don't leave them out! I like to do a little restorative yoga every night before bed with a nice cup of hot tea, and I've found that it's my favorite part of the day. I just can't wait to get on my mat.

Yoga has changed my body, my mind, and my outlook on so many things. It has opened me up to things I've never even thought about. It makes me feel wonderful to see progress. And it has made me more aware of the food I was putting into my body as well. My yoga practice was what made me decide to change my eating habits. When feeling so great in your body after yoga, it makes zero sense to fill your body with food that is not good for you. It makes you want to do the best things for your body in every possible way.

This is when I started researching the best kinds of foods for your body. I was reading about what to eat, when to eat it, and how much to eat. I read "The Body Book" by Cameron Diaz, and I loved it. She talks about the science behind food and nutrition, and she gives information on a diet consisting of whole foods only. She also talks about fitness and what it does for your body. I became obsessed with finding recipes using these super foods I've learned so much about through my research and finding new fitness routines to do on top of my yoga. Day by day I could see myself changing. I didn't only feel good about how I looked, but I felt amazing physically. I was having trouble with constant stomachaches before, but after changing my diet, I rarely have stomachaches or headaches. I feel wonderful. I feel healthy. I feel strong. I feel centered. I feel beautiful.

If you are serious about changing your life, all of the information you need is right at your fingertips. People always ask me to give them tips on losing weight and changing my diet. They want to know if it's easy. My answer is always: "yes and no." It's easy because there are no complicated tricks or methods to it. It's easy, because all you need to do is eat foods that are natural. Not processed. Whole foods. Natural sugars, as in fruit, honey, and maple syrup; no artificial sweeteners. Drink more water and tea. Less soda and sugary drinks. More whole grains, less refined white flour. And move your body. Stay active. Stretch. Take walks. Dance. Sweat. It's easy. It's hard because changing your lifestyle takes a lot of hard work. You're gonna crave foods that are bad for you. You're gonna want to overeat. You're gonna have to work your muscles hard. You're gonna put in a lot of time researching and preparing meals. It's hard to break any bad habits. So, yes. You will have to put in the work. There are no quick tips or tricks. You're gonna work your butt off. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Not only will you see the progress on your body right in front of you, but you will feel so proud that you did this. YOU did it. No one else. So, what are you waiting for? Change your life.

Here are a few more links that you should check out if you are interested in starting your own journey with yoga:

What is Yoga?

Types of Yoga:

List of Yoga Poses for Beginners (With Pictures!):

Rachel Brathen (my favorite yogi!):

Tara Stiles:

Yoga With Adriene (YouTube channel):

Beautiful Article on How Yoga Helps You Love Your Body:

Now get out there, do your research, and find some videos that you love! Let me know how it goes or if you have any other questions! Feel free to message me on Facebook: ( or email me at

LOVE YOU ALL. Namaste :)

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