Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Grilling Season & Brussel Sprouts

I've been meaning to try Brussels sprouts for awhile. I've had them twice before when I was younger, and I remember hating them once and liking them once. So, I decided it was time to try them again because they're so great for you. Since the weather was so beautiful today, I thought it would be a great day for grilling. And why not try grilling Brussel sprouts?

I've never cooked Brussels sprouts before, so I looked up grilling recipes. They all showed using skewers, which I didn't have. So, I made a little basket out of foil to hold the sprouts. While perusing my refrigerator, I decided to chop up some onions, broccoli, and green peppers and make a little veggie medley. Yum!

I wasn't sure how to cut up Brussels sprouts, or if I should just leave them whole, so I cut the bigger ones and left the smaller ones alone. (This proves that I really don't know what I'm doing. Trial and error all the way. Not knowing kind of makes it more fun. Frustrating at times, but fun. It's an adventure!)

I tossed the veggies in olive oil, sea salt, pepper, and garlic & herb seasoning (my go-to spices), and threw them in my makeshift foil basket. After heating up the grill, I put the veggies on.

After five minutes, I gave them a stir, and then let them cook for another 15-20 minutes or until they reach desired tenderness. Man, did they smell good. They looked pretty yummy, too.

Then I needed to add in some protein. Hmm. I looked in the fridge, found black beans and rice, and decided to add that as a little side. I had no idea if the flavors would blend well, but I gave it a try. My boyfriend was also cooking bacon for his burger, so I couldn't resist crumbling half a piece up with my veggies.

After trying a few bites, I decided the flavors blended really well, so I mixed it all up. Veggies, bacon, rice, and black beans. It turned into a nice little grilled veggie stir-fry kind of dish. And I loved it.

Have fun trying new dishes, and get creative! They might not turn out as good as you had hoped, they might even be a complete disaster. But then you know not to do it that way next time. It's all a learning experience. And your body benefits from all the nutrition along the way. :)

I've found that with cooking and healthy living, simplicity is key. When dealing with veggies, keep it simple. Use minimal spices. Veggies are naturally delicious, so as long as you don't add too much (or burn them), they are going to turn out just fine. But it all depends on your taste. Find what you love and go from there!

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