Monday, June 30, 2014

Spinach-Avocado Ice Cream: Vegan & Dairy-Free

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long. I celebrated my 24th birthday on Sunday! I had a wonderful weekend full of lots of love, smiles, and OF COURSE lots of yummy food. Now, it's back to reality. A week full of school, work and internship until another holiday weekend with friends and family. Which means: MORE food. So, this week I'm gonna try to eat a little lighter with lots and lots of fruits and veggies.

Tonight for dinner, I was craving something sweet and creamy.  Sweet and creamy does not have to mean full of sugar and calories. I came up with some delicious banana ice cream. Made with spinach and avocado! (This is how I justify having ice cream for dinner.) :) Anyway, here is the recipe. Don't turn your nose up at the sound of spinach in ice cream. I PROMISE it is delicious. Give it a try!


1 frozen banana
1/2 avocado (I put mine in the freezer about a half an hour before dinner to add to the ice cream texture, but you can use room temperature or refrigerated avocado as well.)
1 big handful of spinach
1/2 cup almond milk (I used unsweetened vanilla. You can also use coconut milk!)
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. pure maple syrup (You can also use raw honey or agave nectar.)

Put all ingredients in your blender, and blend until you get the consistency of soft-serve ice cream.

I enjoyed mine with pecans and a strawberry on top. DELICIOUS. Dinner doesn't always have to look the same. Get creative! Creativity tastes great! :)


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